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Follow a workshop with your team

The workshops of CoDoen, give you and your team insights in your current way of communication, the way you cooperate and how you can improve this.

Just like the training and coaching of CoDoen is during the workshops the procedure practical and focused on your question, issue or problem. The exact content of the workshops will be tailored to your current and preferred situation.

Workshop Dutch
Workshop Dutch
Workshop language effects

What does language mean to you. How consciously do you use it. Are you aware of the effects of your language?

Language is one of the most important instruments to be in contact with one another.

Just think of how your day would be without any spoken or written language, when you have no words at your disposable.


Language plays also a major role in the way we communicate. It strongly influences our mutual understandings, with or without knowing.


The workshop Language Effects gives you from different perspectives insight in the effects of language:

  • the function, power and weight of language,

  • the translation to how you use your language personally and how you experience the language of others,

  • the possibilities that language gives you to improve your mutual communication.


By this, your language can also be your tool for personal development and stimulating collaboration.

Workshop Hand Out

As a person you are an interaction of character, skills and peculiarities.

But also with your colleagues you are an interaction of character, skills and peculiarities.


Do you use this interaction for a good collaboration?

And how do you, within this interaction, deal with the basics as attention, being kind, involvement, trust and appreciation.


During the workshop your hand, as an easy tool, gives you handles:

  • to analyse your own way of acting / doing,

  • to place, analyse and improve the mutual collaboration from an open attitude,

  • to recognise, admit, use and stimulate the different qualities within your team.


With the use of your hand, you don’t need theoretical behaviour analyses and typing to collaborate well.

Hand Out/ English
Course rates
Are you interested?

The course rates are based on individual classes or group classes, on the number of classes and on the course location.


Use the contact form to receive the pricing and make an appointment for an informal interview.

Do you have any questions, or would you like a meeting without any stings attached? 

Let me know by the contact form, by telephone or sent me an e-mail.



T: 06-10151818

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